About the Business
Wing Chun is a concept based system of fighting theory that once understood, can be applied to any style, method or approach, therefore it is without limitation. Whatever you currently practice, you can use its theory to improve your skills.
The one problem we all face, when learning to fight, is being comfortable at close proximity to aggressive force and attitude. Wing Chun develops fighting skill predominately at this range. It gives you in real terms, confidence to move into an aggressor and control them. Working with different training partners develops this in an unrehearsed and fluid way that is as varied in application and approach as the experience and attitudes of the people you practice with. They all offer a different challenge that the system slowly and methodically teaches you to overcome.
If you are not aggressive by nature, you can still learn to apply Wing Chun fully and effectively. The survival instinct is a powerful urge that will guide your learned actions automatically.
Location & Hours
Monks Way